Search Tips

You can find what you are searching better, faster, read the next expert tips on searching the web faster and better:

1. Keep it simple, less words are better, keep it short like a telegram. Example: Search “Grocery Stores Minneapolis” instead of something like “I want to find grocery stores at or close to minneapolis”
2. Singular is better, at least most of the time, than plurals. Example: Search “illinois bank” instead of “banks in illinois”
3. Be specific, but if it doesn’t work, go general. Example: If you searched “repair iphone 5 screen” and you don’t find what you are looking for, keep trying going more general until you find what you want: “repair iphone 5 screen” or “repair iphone screen” or “repair iphone”
4. When you write your search, suggestions might appear right away, try these suggestions by clicking into them.
5. Keep learning, according to your own searching trends, you will be learning what to write in order to find what you are looking for, so try different things just to test.


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  1. Fantastic, simple tips, made my internet searching more easy, I thought it was a complicated strategy but now I learn is really simple. Thanks.

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Search Tips

Updated on 2014-10-28T13:07:51-06:00, by eprojects.